Flag List Pages

Saturday 23 October 2021

Flag of yet another unknown Austrian regiment of Charles VI, as probably carried in the 1740s by the army of Maria Theresa

This is the simplest of the Charles VI Austrian flags from the 1740s, as represented in my contemporary source, with no elaborate border. Well, it adds to the variety! There is a total of 16 probable Austrian flags in that source but I think 3 of those are (near) duplicates of 3 others, so the total is really only 13.

I've been asked to produce another hypothetrical Leibfahne so here it is:


  1. This is one of the prettiest flags yet!

    Best Regards,


  2. Thanks, Jon. :-) Still quite a few of these to go - all the rest with the fancy borders! ;-)

    All the best,


  3. Thanks, Stokes. :-) Yes, I rather like these Austrian flags too. (I've always felt (certainly influenced by Christopher Duffy's books!) that the Austrians are the good guys in the WAS and SYW, so it's good to be doing some of their flags...)

    All the best,


  4. V-nice, thanks for posting David.


  5. Nicely done, adds variety to our Austrian armies.

    Der Alte Fritz

  6. Thanks, Willz. :-) I shall be sorry when I've finally worked through all the 1740s Austrian flags - perhaps some new source will turn up in the meantime? Can but hope... :-)

    All the best,


  7. Thanks, Jim. :-) Yes, it's good to see some variety; even though the Austrian SYW flags are attractive, it is a bit boring to have the same ones with every regiment!

    All the best,


  8. Another fantastic one again David, my upcoming WAS Austrians will be looking rather dandy! As always would it be possible to see a hypothetical (but likely) white Leibfahnen version for completeness sake? I might use this one for IR Lothringen, (soon to be Kaiser) purely because the unit has red facings and was at most of the major battles of the WAS so should get some use!

  9. Thanks, Gundric. :-) Hypothetical Leibfahne now posted! I'm really looking forward to seeing these Charles VI flags with your troops. :-)

    All the best,


  10. Thanks David, that's brilliant! The core of my Austrians and Prussians are being built up for Mollwitz, using Twilight of the Soldier King's rules. For the Austrians I need 5 units worth of flags. Each units has four battalions as I am doing double depth bases (my Prussians started out with this basing scheme nearly ten years ago so I am stuck as I loath rebasing!). I will be using 20 of your wonderful flags initially. The Austrians are still at yet to be cast, from Baccus 6mm although I am really looking forwards to getting cracking now.

    Best Wishes,


  11. Thanks, Lee. :-) Sorry to be slow posting your comment. I'm looking foprward to seeing your Austrians with the flags - and I'll be posting more soon. Good luck with all the work once you receive the new castings.

    All the best,



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