Sunday 6 October 2013

Minden French Flags Project - Regiment Aquitaine

Incorporated in the French army in 1625, although traditionally dating from 1604, this regiment was named Anjou in honour of the Duke d'Anjou in 1671 and then renamed Aquitaine in 1753. This was a two battalion regiment and gave its name to the brigade which also included the two battalion Vastan Regiment. The regiment was at Hastenbeck, the expedition against Zell (Celle), Krefeld, Minden, Sachsenhausen, Vellinghausen and Wilhelmstahl. At Minden it was in the first line of Guerchy's Division of left wing infantry and along with Auvergne distinguished itself.

The flags were as depicted from 1753 to 1772.

And this plate shows the uniform and flags in 1757 (with the blue on the Ordonnance flag shown much lighter than is generally the case):