Miscellaneous Flags On The Blog

This is a list of the various flags on the blog that are not French and Prussian!

Austrian Infantry Flags of the Early War of the Austrian Succession 1740s (and more to come yet):

Flags of Austrian Regiment Hoch und Deutschmeister as probably/possibly carried in the early War of the Austrian Succession

24 Flags of unknown Austrian regiments of Charles VI, as carried in the 1740s by the army of Maria Theresa

3 Austrian cuirassiers standards of the late 17th and early 18th centuries, 2 of unknown regiments but one of Taafe's Cuirassiers in the WSS

Genoese Infantry Flags WAS; 3 sets plus a sheet of fictional flags

Infantry Flags of the British/Hanoverian Légion Britannique - speculative version (plus dragoon guidons on request)

Portuguese Flags of the Seven Years War Period:

16 assorted flags in five batches

The Reichsarmee (with more to come)

Franconian Infantry Regiment Cronegk
Franconian Infantry Regiment Ferntheil
Franconian Infantry Regiment Varell
Hessen-Darmstadt Infantry Regiment
Kurköln Infantry Regiment Wildenstein
Speculative flags of the Kurmainz Infantry Regiment
Speculative flags of the Mainz-Lamberg Infantry Regiment
Swabian Infantry Regiment Baden-Baden
Swabian Infantry Regiment Baden-Durlach
Swabian Infantry Regiment Fürstenberg (Rodt)

Swabian Cuirassier Regiment Hohenzollern

Spanish Infantry Flags 1728-1768 (with more to come):




Bavarian Horse Grenadiers Guidon 

Sheet of 4 Bavarian infantry flags


Danish Foot Guards [Battalion and Colonel's Flags]

Danish Regiment Prince Carl


National Regimental Flags
Regiment Aigoin
Regiment Desportes
Regiment La Reine
Regiment Nizza
Regiment Piedmont
Regiment Schulemberg
Swiss Regiment Reding
Unknown Regiment Flags x 4

This list to be continued as there are many more flags to list...


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, I'd like to do Dutch; they are on my (very long now!) To Do list... :-)


Saturday 6th June 2020 I've decided to allow comments from Anonymous Users but I'll still be moderating posts, as I'm sure the spam will probably flood in now! We'll see...