Thursday 2 February 2023

Flags and uniform of Prussian Ex-Saxon Regiment IR 52

Formerly Saxon Regiment Garde zu Fuss, after the surrender at Pirna in October 1756 the regiment became Prussian IR52 in Magdeburg.

Its first commander was B. S. von Blanckensee followed by Major-General J. F. von Oldenburg from February to July 1757.

There were many desertions from the regiment in the winter of 1756-7.

It took part in the invasion of Bohemia in April 1757. On July 26th the regiment was disbanded at Pirna and the remaining men distributed amongst other Prussian infantry regiments.

[Again the short account is taken from Kronoskaf.]

And this was the uniform in 1756:

Tuesday 31 January 2023

Flags and uniform of Prussian Ex-Saxon Regiment IR 51

Formerly Saxon Regiment Graf Brühl, after the surrender at Pirna in October 1756 this regiment became Prussian IR51 and was stationed in Torgau as garrison there.

Its commander was Major-General Baron von Wylich und Diersfort.

It took part in the invasion of Bohemia in April 1757. In May it was ordered to garrison the towns of Aussig and Tetschen. On July 22nd two companies were captured at Schreckenstein near Aussig. The regiment was disbanded on August 1st at Pirna and the remaining men went to regiments IR3, IR10 and IR27. [My paraphrase and slight condensation of text from Kronoskaf.]

And this was the uniform in 1756: