First raised 1657.
One battalion was in English pay and service 1689-1697.
1695 renamed Prince Carl's Regiment.

In the WSS it consisted of three battalions (each of six companies) and one grenadier company. One battalion was in Austrian pay and service and two in British.
The single battalion in Austrian pay served in Northern Italy from 1701-2 and fought in the battle of Luzzara in August 1702. Heavy losses led to the battalion being merged with parts of two other Danish units in 1703.
The two battalions in British pay served in Holland from 1701. In 1702 they took part in the siege and capture of Liège. In July 1704 they joined Marlborough's army in Bavaria and were placed under the command of Prince Eugène. In August that year they fought at the battle of Blenheim and then in the autumn were at the sieges of Trarbach and Saarburg.
In May 1706 they fought at Ramillies (where these flags may have been captured) and then were at the sieges of Antwerp, Ostend, Menin, Ath, Dendermonde and Oudenarde.
They were at the siege of Tournai in 1709 and fought at Malplaquet in September that year.
They were repatriated to Denmark in 1713.
And this may have been the uniform in the WSS: