Monday 16 September 2024

Flag of the Danish Grenadier Corps from 1709

This unit was created 1701 from the grenadier companies of the Livgarden, Dronningens, Prins Georg, Prins Christians, Sjaellandske, Jydske, Oldenborgske, Schwärtzels and Mörners regiments.

Served in Scania and North Germany 1709-1715


And this was probably the uniform 1708-1709:

The Great Northern War 1700-1721, Volume II by Höglund et al, tells us that in 1709 "the regimental commander requested a pair of colours. Their appearance, however, is unknown". But Sapherson in his volume on the Danish Army 1699-1715 does give us this design.

My feeling is that every unit on the wargames table, if possible, should have flags and this is especially so when we know that a unit did carry flags but we do not know the actual design. I apologise if this is heresy to some! ;-)


  1. Lovely flag and great uniform colours too, especially the vibrant blue:).

  2. Lovely flag and a very nice uniform and your comment about every unit should have a flag is spot on in my opinion also.


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