Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Flags and Uniform of French Irish Regiment Galmoy 1702?-1715; and good wishes for Xmas and the New Year!

First raised 1698 by Pierce Butler, 3rd Viscount Galmoy, who had fought with the Jacobites in Ireland, from the remains of regiments Charlemont and the Queen of England's foot dragoons. One battalion strong.


[Good account with much detail on the regiment's service here: with interesting reference to casualties who ended up in Les Invalides.]

1701 Army of Italy: combat of Carpi; battle of Chiari (heavy casualties)
1702 Defence of Cremona (a heroic defence); Santa Vittoria; battle of Luzzara
1703 Army of the Rhine: siege of Alt Breisach; siege and surrender of Landau; battle of Speyerbach
1704 Italy; storm of Genivolta
1705 Battle of Cassano (heavy losses); Castiglione
1706 Calcinato; siege and battle of Turin
1707 Army of the Rhine; defence of the Lines of Stollhofen
1708 Spain; actions at Tortosa,Valentia and Alecante
1709 Army of Dauphiné, Flanders; battle of Malplaquet
1710 Army of Flanders
1712 Sieges and capture of Douai, Le Quesnoy and Bouchain
1713 Army of Roussillon
1714 Siege and capture of Barcelona

Disbanded 30th January 1715; men transferred to Irish regiment Dillon

And this was the uniform in the War of the Spanish Succession:


  1. Merry Xmas to you and yours David! Oh and what a great flag to behold upon this Xmas day:).

    1. Thank you, Steve. And to you! The French Irish flags are something special, aren't they? :-)

      All the best,


  2. Lovely flags and a useful regiment as they appear in a fair few engagements.

    1. Thank you, Donnie. And they certainly gave a good account of themselves too! :-)

      All the best,


  3. Oh my.. that's most attractive... I may have to break the "must have been at Blenheim" rule! :o)

    1. Thank you, Steve. :-) Yes, absolutely; you should give in to the temptation!

      All the best,


  4. Thanks for another set of wonderful flags.


    1. Thank you, Willz. :-) There's at least one more French Irish WSS set of flags to do; not as impressive, perhaps, but still appealing...

      All the best,


  5. More dangerous butterflies, but I must be strong! An Irish brigade of two large regiments of line infantry, though, might be a longer term possibility however given the pull of their flags and red uniforms. In the meantime, there are Saxon cuirassiers to finish and company of fictitious Croats waiting in the wings. The bane of wargamers is that there is always something we would like to add to the collection(s) one day.

    Kind Christmas Week Regards,


    1. Thank you, Stokes. :-) Yes, a wargames army is never really finished, is it? I hope you do eventually add that Irish brigade but, in the meantime, good luck with finishing the Saxons and Croats! All the best of the Season and a Happy New Year!



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