Monday, 10 March 2025

Highly Speculative Reconstruction of the flags of Dutch Infantry Regiment 16 Cromwell/Dolman/Cary/Van Marion/Van Meynderswijk

I've been asked to reconstruct plausible flags for various Dutch infantry regiments. Boxel's 1672 Dutch Manual of Arms gives a list of infantry flags, usually with cryptic detail, and says of this unit (then Dolman) "Root en Wit verdeelt" which means "red and white divided". Mugnai in his Helion volume on the Dutch army of 1660-1687 claims this means divided in four. Taking this as a starting point, I looked through Hall's volume on Dutch infantry flags of 1685-1715 to see if any flags of that period were quartered in design and the only flag quartered is that of Haersolte, 1701 Salm, 1701 Ranck, 1715 Rantzouw; it is depicted in the Triomphes Louis XIV in blue and chamois. I have used the detail of that flag for this highly speculative but very attractive recreation of the flags of  Cromwell/Dolman/Cary/Van Marion/Van Meynderswijk (IR16 in the Helion volume). The top flag is a battalion flag and the two flags below on each sheet possible designs of the colonel's flag. The heraldry of the two variants is that of Holland and Gelderland, the two provinces to which the unit was attached. First raised in 1605, it was an English unit until 1665, hence the very English names of the first three colonels. It fought at Maastricht in 1673 and Seneffe in 1674. In the 1660s the regiment was red coated. The regiment was disbanded in 1678. 

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