First raised 1685 by John Granville, Earl of Bath. In the War of the Spanish Succession the proprietor was from 15th January 1703 until 1715: William, Lord North and Grey
The flags here depicted are shown in a manuscript drawing of 1726 in the Bodleian Library which mostly depicts the flags of Grove's Regiment, the successor to North and Grey's, later the 10th Foot. The MS seems to show the then current flags of Grove's Regiment mixed with those of the previous North and Grey's. The interpretation of the illustration in S M Milne's Standards and Colours of the Army 1661-1881 is that these flags with the sun in splendour on a red field are the flags of North and Grey's Regiment as carried in the War of the Spanish Succession.
Uniform in the War of the Spanish Succession is debatable; the
left hand figure is as shown by Kronoskaf WSS and Baccus's guide to WSS
uniforms; the right hand figure is based on the description in C S
Grant's guides to the Armies and Uniforms of Marlborough's Wars.
Kronoskaf's WSS site has a very long and detailed account of the formation and history of the regiment here: based largely on Cannon's account of the history of the 10th Regiment of Foot dated 1847 which can be downloaded as a PDF from here:
(I have depicted the colours of the Earl of Bath's Regiment in 1685 on one of my two sheets of British flags, which I can email on application; send a message via my Contact Form on the blog if you wish me to send them to you.)